100% Online Training

All our courses, programs and masters are completely online, hosted on our own digital academic platform.

English / Spanish

Training is provided in Spanish and English: recorded classes, contact with teachers, evaluations, etc.

Academic Excellence

Our students receive updated training in the scientific processes and developments that are used today in the different biosanitary professions.

What is MOM?

The Master in Molecular Oncology is a training program thatis taught in private format from CEB and in official format in collaboration with the URJCaimed at clinical oncologists, pathologists, hematologists and other specialists in medicine.
or the bio-health field related to tumor disease.

It is a specialized postgraduate training initiative pioneer in Spain and unique in the world in this discipline.
It has more than 100 faculty members rigorously selected to offer the best molecular oncology professionals at the national and international molecular oncology level that are authors of the discovery they teach..

The MOM offers training in Molecular Oncology based on a multidisciplinary vision of the tumor disease, which has a positive impact on the care aspect.

The student will have access to

This program provides the cutting-edge training that oncology specialists require in the 21st century. Today, excellent clinical practice is inconceivable without knowledge of the molecular basis of the disease, and without a diagnosis, prognosis and treatment based increasingly on the molecular markers of each patient.

Mónica López Barahona
Chief Academic Officer

Why do a master's degree in Molecular Oncology?

Advanced Training

The training received by specialists linked to oncologic disease, during the medical degree and subsequent MIR specialization, does not address with sufficient time and detail the knowledge of the molecular basis of cancer. Today, excellent clinical practice is inconceivable without knowledge of the molecular basis of the disease.

State-of-the-art clinical practice

Diagnosis, prognosis and treatment based on the patient’s molecular pattern allows for state-of-the-art clinical practice. New therapeutic strategies are based on specific inhibitors of molecular targets, or on blocking or activating certain pathways. It is essential to provide training that allows professionals to learn about the molecular basis of cancer and patients to benefit from this knowledge.

Research Advances

Oncology in the 21st century is based on advances in research. Only a common translational research effort can bring these advances to the patient’s bedside. Research and training are the essential tools to address cancer in daily clinical practice. If any one of them is missing, the approach to the patient will not be correct.

Academic Program

Credits 60 ECTS

The syllabus has been structured according to the guidelines of RD 861/2010.

It will be completed in one year and consists of twelve compulsory subjects distributed in two semesters.

In the first semester, the basic knowledge of oncology and molecular pathology will be acquired and the foundations of research methodology in molecular oncology will be laid.



The student accesses the recorded classes through the e-learning platform of the Centro de Estudios Biosanitarios . The presentation used by the professor during his presentation will be made available to the student. The student will be able to send queries to the teachers from the e-learning platform.


12 months.

Academic starting


Qualification obtained

Master in Molecular Oncology

Private degree awarded by the Centro de Estudios Biosantiarios.

Academic and Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Mónica López Barahona

Chief Academic Officer

D. in Chemical Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. General Academic Director of the Center for Biosanitary Studies.

Dr. Javier León Serrano

D. in Pharmacy from the University of Cantabria. Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Cantabria.

Dr. Miguel Ángel Piris Pinilla

Doctor in Medicine and specialist in Pathological Anatomy. Associate Medical Chief of the Anatomic Pathology Department, Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid.

Dr. Félix Bonilla Velasco

Physician and Doctor by the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: specialist in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology.

Dr. Manuel Durán Poveda

D. in Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Chief of General and Digestive System Surgery Department, Hospital Universitario Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. Professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

Dr. Jesús San Román

Director of the Department of Medicine and Surgery, Psychology, Preventive Medicine and Public Health and Immunology, Medical Microbiology and Nursing and Stomatology, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid.


The Master’s Degree has an international faculty of excellence, composed of professionals and researchers from institutions such as Harvard-Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca, among others.

Requirements and Admission

To whom it is addressed

Specialists in Anatomical Oncology
Specialists in Pathology
Hematology Specialists
Radiotherapy Specialists
Other bachelor's or doctoral graduates in the biosanitary field
with interest in tumor disease

Selection and deadlines

To take the Master's degree, the applicant must have a bachelor's degree in the biosanitary area. It is necessary to send your updated CV in order to be evaluated by the Academic Direction.


Send CV to: Eva Galián



The cost of the program is 7100 €. For more information, write to egalian@ceb.edu.es

– 10% discount exclusively for students doing the Residency

– 5 % Special discounts for membership in professional associations (ESMO, ASCO, ESO and IAP).

Not cumulative discounts. Only students who do not receive a scholarship can benefit from these discounts.

For more information, please contact  egalian@ceb.edu.es

Call 2024-2025 | Scholarships



The Bioscience Studies Centre (CEB) announces scholarships for students who want to study the Master in Molecular Oncology 2024-2025

Ordinary call deadline: May 30

Bases of the call

-See terms and conditions 
-See terms and conditions of the Lilly call for proposals

Send a standard CV to apply for a scholarship

The Center for Biosanitary Studies has the endorsement of

The Center for Biosanitary Studies is sponsored by the following companies

Request Information

Política de devoluciones:

Cualquier cantidad abonada por el/la alumno/a en concepto de inscripción en el Máster de Oncología Molecular no es reembolsable.

Refund policy:

Any amount paid by the student for enrollment in the Master in Molecular Oncology is non-refundable.